
Friday, September 30, 2011

Cheese Journal Giveaway

Dave Selden is a cheese frau’s dream. Okay, this cheese frau’s dream. The Portland beer blogger (he's the author of 999 beers) has developed a series of pocket-sized tasting notebooks for beer, whiskey, wine, coffee and – oh, bless him – cheese.

Each book contains 33 pages, hence the name of Selden’s cottage industry out of Portland, Oregon: A beer-blogger by night and graphic designer by day, he’s pretty much the perfect guy for the job of tasting-book developer.

I have 4 books to give away, and one lucky winner will also receive a complimentary cheese board (pictured below) made by Seldon himself. If you use the book, I hope you’ll let us know how you like it. Pop it in the pocket of your jeans vest, and jot down a few notes at the cheese counter or at a resto when you order a cheese plate.

The notebook is so cleverly put together and so compact, it’s a little frightening. (Does Dave Selden live in my brain?) The top of each page offers room for notes about the origins of each cheese – there’s even a line for a rind descriptor. Thank you, Dave.

The bottom of each page is comprised of a dairy dashboard – there’s a flavor wheel and a texture meter, along with a 5-star rating system. Don’t be scared. The diagrams are self-explanatory. The inside cover also offers some useful notes.

Good design and good cheese? I can’t think of a better pairing. Drop me a comment if you want me to send you a freebie. I’ll draw four random winners on Sunday, October 2, 2011 and ship these off to you tout de suite. 
Dave's tasting journals are also available online for $4 each, or 3 for $10. Stocking stuffers? Yup. Each book is made of recycled paper and printed with soy ink. Cowabunga! I hope I start seeing these on retail shelves soon.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That journal is beautiful! I've been wanting a cheese journal for awhile. If I don't win, I may have to splurge.

  3. awesome idea...loving the pictures, Tenaya

  4. Oooh! I'd love to be considered for a freebie! The fiance and I just bought our first wine journal, but we're much more into cheese (some weeks it's safer on our pocket books just to avoid all grocery cheese sections....) and I've been wanting to start a cheese journal too. :) This journal looks super awesome.

  5. Awesome! I want one!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. oooo i would love one! If i don't win, i will totally buy at least one. I started my own notebook after your suggestion not too long ago, but what a great idea for a product! Thanks for sharing (and the possibility of winning)!

  8. Merci Madame. Your blog is the highlight of my RSS.
    Affectionately yours,

  9. Don't know if you'll ship to France, but I would definitely put this journal to use! You should see the one I have for the 200+ French cheeses I've tasted. What a mess! I need a new cheese notebook.
    If you can't ship over here, I understand, and will have to pick one up when I'm in the States in February.

  10. Here's an entry for the drawing! What a neat book to have on hand!

  11. I can't believe no one has taken you up on this yet! I would love to have one of these journals - amazing design and function!!!

  12. I'd love a 33 Cheeses book! Been using 33 Beers for a year now!

  13. SO COOL!!!! Heard about this through @girlspintout. A great compliment for anyone that goes on frequent beer and cheese tastings. I'd love to enter your giveaway!


  14. As you know, my love for cheese is profound. However–not profound enough. I feel as though I need a slight nudge to deliciously and appropriately (as in, Madame Fromage-style) dive into its complex, creamy world, and coming from a journalism background, what better a way than by taking notes in an adorable cheese notebook. Hope I can be lucky enough to scoop one of these up!

    Oh yea, and Selden is a beer blogger & cheese notebook/board creator? What an amazing combo.

  15. Hope I'm not too late for the drawing.

  16. Yes, please, I would love this!!!

  17. Beautiful. I could fill a few a year I imagine. Hope it's not too late to join the giveaway?

    Margaret Christine
