Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ardrahan: An Irish Beauty

If ever there were a “sensuous” category for cheese, Ardrahan just might rock top placement. It is, in a word, plush. Picture a round cushion of a cheese, give it a satiny gold finish and a rich texture, then meditate on this: peanuts, wild mushrooms, a whiff of pasture. It’s cheese nirvana.

Ardrahan hails from county Cork, Ireland, where it’s made by reknowned cheesemaker Mary Burns. Mary began making cheese at her family’s eighteenth century farmhouse back in the early ‘80s. To read on, please click here.

Full disclosure: This post is part of a series I'm writing for Di Bruno Bros., one of my fave cheese haunts in Philly. The deal is, on Wednesdays I get paid to guest-blog on the store's site (


  1. awh. did you try this ??! it looks so scrumptious. i would love to test out variety after variety of cheese for a living, but i'm afraid my bowels would heartily disagree with the endeavor.

  2. Ohh, did I try it! Bien sur. It's a stunning cheese and not too fatty, which is quite amazing. Still, I broke out the Lady Gaga sneaker this week (hot pink and black) and went for a jog b/c there is so much cheese coming into this house that even I am becoming a little bit overwhelmed. It's a fleeting thing though. I love trying so many cheeses.
